On January 15, 2017, Rick Ellis suffered a serious heart attack while riding his motorcycle and passed into the presence of the Lord. For more information please visit ellis.cl/rick This site will be left as-is.

Ride to Chile

From Oregon to Chile, a motorcycle adventure by Rick Ellis

Ecuador - Day 3

November 12, 2016

Ecuador is a beautiful country and although it was slightly further, I'm glad I rode down to the Amazon side of the country. It is a lush area, full of waterfalls and rivers, all flowing in to the Amazon basin. Seems like everybody has banana trees in their yards.

Highlights of the ride are seeing friends like the Andersons in Quito and the ministry taking place in Sucua with a UPG (Unreached People's Group) training center, complete with a village including a thatch hut replica where missionaries are trained in how to live in primitive conditions including caring for, killing, plucking and cooking a chicken. 

The missionary team in Sucua, including an Argentine single woman, has also planted a church which is running two services with about 300 people, a Bible School functioning in the church, as well as Hope House, a home for abused girls from nine to eighteen years of age. I am so impressed with the dedication of all of these missionaries!

Seth and Kaitlin McDonald