November 18, 2016Peru, fifteen hundred miles along the Pacific coast desert.
November 13, 2016Loja holds a special place in my heart, where I met many wonderful people and was privileged to see God move in a place that had been historically closed to the gospel.

November 12, 2016What a thrill for me to ride in to Ecuador, a country where Laurel and I spent five great years and where our two youngest sons, Daniel and David, were born. It's been my dream to ride these highways on my motorcycle.
November 9, 2016Some photos of my ride through Colombia.
A trip down memory lane in Panama.
November 6, 2016After a 41 year absence, it has been wonderful to see familiar places and others than aren't even recognizable.
Somebody is missing somebody
November 5, 2016A day in paradise.
November 3, 2016The rain stayed away as I rode along the Pacific beaches of Costa Rica (Rich Coast).
Scenes from Honduras and Nicaragua
November 1, 2016Assemblies of God of Nicaragua
November 1, 2016Pictured here are the Assemblies of God University and National Offices.
Don and Terri Triplett's Tent Church
October 30, 2016I also was invited to speak at the Triplett's tent church near the capital city of San Salvador. They continue in a tent because they have not been able to get building permits.

Castillo del Rey
October 30, 2016The Castillo del Rey International Training Center is impacting nations with the gospel as young people are trained to work with children and youth in evangelism and discipleship. The Center is located on a beautiful mountain lake in El Salvador. I had the privilege of sharing in two services, praying for the young people at an altar time as well as receiving prayer for the remainder of my adventure.

October 27, 2016My last exchange rate at the ATM (after fees) was 17 pesos to the dollar.
Phase 2 - Sights of Mexico
October 25, 2016Sights on my fourth day. While in Mexico I can call, text and use data on my T-Mobile phone for no extra charge. Nothing like modern technology!
Phase 2 - Zacatecas
October 24, 2016Views over Zacatecas, a colonial city founded in 1548 and a World Heritage Site. The cathedral made of rose colored stone.
Phase 2 - Goodbyes
October 22, 2016Saying goodbyes and ghost motel in New Mexico.